Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Leader of the Week - Justin Ip!

I've been working at Walker Marketing & Consultants for about six months now. In that time, I've grown as both a professional and a person. As a graduate of Capital University’s Music Technology program, I started out looking for a position in the music industry. Through posting my resume on, I stumbled upon this opportunity. It’s been a fantastic journey so far, and Walker Marketing & Consultants has given me the chance to learn, develop, and master skills essential to any aspiring entrepreneur. I now have the opportunity for an extremely bright future in sales, marketing, and business ownership. That said, I look forward to what this New Year will bring for me and my coworkers. 2012 promises to be both spectacular and life changing.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Leader of the Week - Justin Ip!

My collegiate educational history began at The Ohio State University as an arts student of the Visual Communications Design program. Eventually I realized that graphic design was not the area for me, so I sought out another major to focus on. Eventually, after taking a number of classes at Columbus State while searching for an area of study that I felt passionate about, I realized that the proper fit for me was the Conservatory of Music at Capital University. After admittance into Capital, I graduated from their Music Technology department in two years with a final GPA of 3.5.

The music business is a tough market to get into, even if one does have the proper contacts from throughout the years. With our economy in its current state, many of us have a hard time finding employment with very serious opportunity for growth and financial security. Walker Marketing & Consultants originally contacted me through after I had put up my resume for all the world’s employers to see. I decided to look into the company and ended up interviewing and eventually started working for Walker. For me, it was a great choice and I am enjoying every minute of it.

This job allows me the freedom to manage myself on a day-to-day basis as well as provides me with the opportunity to grow as an entrepreneur and businessman. With the company’s business model built the way it is, Walker Marketing & Consultants provides all of us with the tools to immensely achieve successful careers. All of us have different motivations, and my current motivation happens to be to become self sufficient and most importantly, pay off my student loans in a very timely fashion.

Of course, what motivates me more than anything else is the chance to provide myself and my future family with all of the opportunities that were provided to me as I grew up. Nowadays, it is pretty rare to be able to have the freedom to do what we want. I am looking forward to having that freedom for myself.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Leader of the Week - Heather Houston!

My name is Heather Houston, and I grew up in Grove City, OH. I graduated from Central Crossing High School in 2007. From there, I continued my education at Miami University in Oxford, OH in August of 2007. My junior year at Miami University, I became the mother to a beautiful baby boy. I told myself that I had to push on for his sake and that I had to finish college on time, despite becoming a single mother. I kept positive through school and even attended my first semester of summer classes in my entire education career. I graduated on May 7, 2011 with a Bachelor's Degree in Adolescent Young Adult English Education.

I moved back to Grove City, OH upon graduating college and worked as a certified pharmacy technician. I realized that there were very few areas for advancement in that career and I would not be able to support myself and my son on my salary. I was also applying for teaching positions in local school districts trying to land a job with my new degree. After a few short months, I realized that there were very few job openings and even more bills coming my way. That is when I found Walker Marketing & Consultants, and submitted my resume. A few days later, I was contacted for an interview.

That interview has lead me to where I am today! I have been with Walker Marketing & Consultants for two and a half months now, and can't tell you the possibilities that have been presented to me. My absolute favorite thing about my job is the people in which I work with. At Walker Marketing and Consultants, we truly are a family. The atmosphere in which I walk into every single morning and evening is one in which I look forward to everyday. We are all so different; however, we all understand each other and each possess something to help lift a burden off of a fellow associate's back. So yes, the managers, assistant managers, administrators, leaders, and account managers are together every day and that's my favorite part of the job. I love seeing my boss and fellow co-workers everyday and that's something I could never say before with any other job.

In the end it all comes down to my son, though. My son is who and what motivates me every single day in the field. I know that what I am doing, some people may not understand, however, the opportunity for growth and advancement in this company is one that will ensure my son a safe and secure future. I wake up every morning with the opportunity to do well for both my son and myself. My son is what makes the bad days good, and the good days even better. At Walker Marketing & Consultants, I know I have a home to go to every morning that is filled with family members and support. I love my job! :)

Congratulations on receiving Leader of the Week, Heather!! Keep up all your hard work and dedication!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Leader of the Week - Katelyn Lilly!

Walker Marketing & Consultants would like to recognize their top leaders each week who have demonstrated an excellence in leadership and consulting. Each leader will submit a short biography that will include their background and what motivates them toward success.

This week Walker Marketing & Consultants would like to congratulate Katelyn Lilly for being the leader of the week!

"I'm from a small town outside of Kent, OH. I graduated from Field High School, where I participated in cheerleading and D.E.C.A (an association of marketing studies). I am currently working on a degree in Communications at Columbus State. I was looking for a job where I could gain experience and boost my resume. Then I heard about Walker Marketing & Consultants, I noticed right away the opportunity for advancement and the strong team environment. Within, the first month of working at Walker Marketing & Consultants, I was promoted to leader, watched my leader be promoted to assistant manager, and I recently promoted the first leader on my team.

My favorite part about the job is that everyone is there to help and they are so nice. I am learning new things every day while helping others achieve their goals. Lastly, what really motivates me is success. I always really enjoyed the public relations and the human resources aspect of things. I knew that I wanted to do something where I would be working and interacting with people. My family is really important to me, and being able to move closer to them one day without losing the position within my job is what gives me a positive attitude. Also, one day being able to give back everything they have given me."

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Congratulations to Austin Taylor on being promoted to Assistant Manager!

Everyone here at Walker Marketing & Consultants would like to say congratulations to Austin Taylor on being promoted to Assistant Manager! Austin has been with Walker Marketing & Consultants a little over a year, and we appreciate all of your hard work and enthusiasm! Congratulations!

Teaming up with the American Red Cross - Microbrew Tasting!

We recently teamed up with the American Red Cross and hosted a Mircobrew Tasting event for our team members, friends and the public at the Draught House in Dublin, Ohio. All of the proceeds went to the American Red Cross in support of the tornado victims down South. The event was a success, and everyone had a great time! Thank you to everyone who came out to support us! Check out: for more information on the event!